Differential Methylation

Introduction: Differential Methylation of Sample Groups

Differential methylation analysis was conducted on site and region level according to the sample groups specified in the analysis.


The following comparisons were made:

The table below summarizes information on the comparisons.

comparison adjustment covariateTable
1 Bone marrow vs. non.Bone marrow (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv
2 Cord blood vs. non.Cord blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv
3 Tonsil vs. non.Tonsil (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv
4 Venous blood vs. non.Venous blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv
5 Female vs. Male (based on DONOR_SEX) TISSUE_TYPE csv
6 mono vs. neut (based on cmp_mono_vs_neut) TISSUE_TYPE,DONOR_SEX csv
7 mono vs. neut (based on cmpV_mono_vs_neut) DONOR_SEX csv
8 mono vs. neut (based on cmpC_mono_vs_neut) DONOR_SEX csv
9 Mf vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf) DONOR_SEX csv
10 Mf0 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf0) DONOR_SEX csv
11 Mf1 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf1) DONOR_SEX csv
12 Mf2 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf2) DONOR_SEX csv
13 Mf0 vs. Mf1 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf1) DONOR_SEX csv
14 Mf0 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf2) DONOR_SEX csv
15 Mf1 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf1_vs_Mf2) DONOR_SEX csv
16 CD4 vs. CD8 (based on cmpV_Tcells) DONOR_SEX csv
17 NK vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_NK) DONOR_SEX csv
18 Bnaive vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_Bnaive) DONOR_SEX csv
19 NK vs. TCD4 (based on cmpV_TCD4_vs_NK) DONOR_SEX csv
20 NK vs. TCD8 (based on cmpV_TCD8_vs_NK) DONOR_SEX csv
21 Bmem vs. Bnaive (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_Bmem) TISSUE_TYPE,DONOR_SEX csv
22 Bnaive vs. plasma (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_plasma) TISSUE_TYPE csv
23 Bmem vs. plasma (based on cmp_plasma_vs_Bmem) csv
24 Bnaive vs. NK (based on cmpV_Bnaive_vs_NK) DONOR_SEX csv


In the following anlyses, p-values on the site level were computed using the limma method. I.e. hierarchical linear models from the limma package were employed and fitted using an empirical Bayes approach on derived M-values.

Site Level

Differential methylation on the site level was computed based on a variety of metrics. Of particular interest for the following plots and analyses are the following quantities for each site: a) the difference in mean methylation levels of the two groups being compared, b) the quotient in mean methylation and c) a statistical test (limma or t-test depending on the settings) assessing whether the methylation values in the two groups originate from distinct distributions. Additionally each site was assigned a rank based on each of these three criteria. A combined rank is computed as the maximum (i.e. worst) rank among the three ranks. The smaller the combined rank for a site, the more evidence for differential methylation it exhibits. This section includes scatterplots of the site group means as well as volcano plots of each pairwise comparison colored according to the combined ranks or p-values of a given site.

The following rank cutfoffs have been automatically selected for the analysis of differentially methylated sites:

Rank Cutoff
Bone marrow vs. non.Bone marrow (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 315526
Cord blood vs. non.Cord blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 365793
Tonsil vs. non.Tonsil (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 2897925
Venous blood vs. non.Venous blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 116653
Female vs. Male (based on DONOR_SEX) 1789
mono vs. neut (based on cmp_mono_vs_neut) 2075148
mono vs. neut (based on cmpV_mono_vs_neut) 751016
mono vs. neut (based on cmpC_mono_vs_neut) 1945917
Mf vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf) 2297046
Mf0 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf0) 2894612
Mf1 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf1) 2297046
Mf2 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf2) 3546039
Mf0 vs. Mf1 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf1) 3017788
Mf0 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf2) 2822127
Mf1 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf1_vs_Mf2) 3321182
CD4 vs. CD8 (based on cmpV_Tcells) 5141962
NK vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_NK) 2697870
Bnaive vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_Bnaive) 2270374
NK vs. TCD4 (based on cmpV_TCD4_vs_NK) 4797460
NK vs. TCD8 (based on cmpV_TCD8_vs_NK) 2326117
Bmem vs. Bnaive (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_Bmem) 2798392
Bnaive vs. plasma (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_plasma) 2323463
Bmem vs. plasma (based on cmp_plasma_vs_Bmem) 5636418
Bnaive vs. NK (based on cmpV_Bnaive_vs_NK) 3247137
differential methylation measure

Figure 1

Figure 1

Scatterplot for differential methylation (sites). If the selected criterion is not rankGradient: The transparency corresponds to point density. If the number of points exceeds 2e+06 then the number of points for density estimation is reduced to that number by random sampling.The1% of the points in the sparsest populated plot regions are drawn explicitly (up to a maximum of 10000 points).Additionally, the colored points represent differentially methylated sites (according to the selected criterion). If the selected criterion is rankGradient: median combined ranks accross hexagonal bins are shown as a gradient according to the color legend.

difference metric
significance metric

Figure 2

Figure 2

Volcano plot for differential methylation quantified by various metrics. Color scale according to combined ranking.

Differential Methylation Tables

A tabular overview of measures for differential methylation on the site level for the individual comparisons are provided in this section. Below, a brief explanation of the different columns can be found:

The tables for the individual comparisons can be found here:

Region Level

Differential methylation on the region level was computed based on a variety of metrics. Of particular interest for the following plots and analyses are the following quantities for each region: the mean difference in means across all sites in a region of the two groups being compared and the mean of quotients in mean methylation as well as a combined p-value calculated from all site p-values in the region [1]. Additionally each region was assigned a rank based on each of these three criteria. A combined rank is computed as the maximum (i.e. worst) value among the three ranks. The smaller the combined rank for a region, the more evidence for differential methylation it exhibits. Regions were defined based on the region types specified in the analysis. This section includes scatterplots of the region group means as well as volcano plots of each pairwise comparison colored according to the combined rank of a given region.

The following rank cutfoffs have been automatically selected for the analysis of differentially methylated regions:

cpgislands genes promoters tiling tiling1kb gencode22promoters ensembleRegBuildBPall
Bone marrow vs. non.Bone marrow (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 3922 1846 1302 53 18287 1302 7918
Cord blood vs. non.Cord blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 3990 1183 3028 888 15990 3039 13614
Tonsil vs. non.Tonsil (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 1236 688 248 1187 34102 253 7405
Venous blood vs. non.Venous blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) 223 67 65 18 3187 65 4944
Female vs. Male (based on DONOR_SEX) 913 3600 2745 18236 175539 2765 43734
mono vs. neut (based on cmp_mono_vs_neut) 52 94 81 85 7239 74 6571
mono vs. neut (based on cmpV_mono_vs_neut) 94 108 97 167 2947 97 2452
mono vs. neut (based on cmpC_mono_vs_neut) 899 714 438 2370 39457 437 7982
Mf vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf) 359 651 467 2634 36126 448 5921
Mf0 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf0) 295 760 430 2239 35380 437 8038
Mf1 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf1) 359 651 467 2634 36126 448 5921
Mf2 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf2) 391 676 324 1040 22735 307 7619
Mf0 vs. Mf1 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf1) 995 2652 3215 10303 82802 3131 24680
Mf0 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf2) 581 2438 1435 7932 72538 1440 20766
Mf1 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf1_vs_Mf2) 709 2775 2558 12440 83486 2526 24745
CD4 vs. CD8 (based on cmpV_Tcells) 2111 5273 4508 23646 319479 4529 63688
NK vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_NK) 511 1235 317 1466 59103 331 11513
Bnaive vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_Bnaive) 238 543 156 707 13775 169 3664
NK vs. TCD4 (based on cmpV_TCD4_vs_NK) 846 4123 1444 14124 299600 1447 51835
NK vs. TCD8 (based on cmpV_TCD8_vs_NK) 2505 2343 846 4316 87393 837 16413
Bmem vs. Bnaive (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_Bmem) 1667 1497 1428 6347 110909 1418 22316
Bnaive vs. plasma (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_plasma) 4493 2187 3447 6692 107816 3463 17611
Bmem vs. plasma (based on cmp_plasma_vs_Bmem) 1786 1972 1806 9035 189019 1845 31052
Bnaive vs. NK (based on cmpV_Bnaive_vs_NK) 752 1341 349 2005 74738 352 13441
differential methylation measure

Figure 3

Figure 3

Scatterplot for differential methylation (regions). If the selected criterion is not rankGradient: The transparency corresponds to point density. The 1% of the points in the sparsest populated plot regions are drawn explicitly. Additionally, the colored points represent differentially methylated regions (according to the selected criterion). If the selected criterion is rankGradient: median combined ranks accross hexagonal bins are shown as a gradient according to the color legend.

difference metric
significance metric

Figure 4

Figure 4

Volcano plot for differential methylation quantified by various metrics. Color scale according to combined ranking.

Differential Methylation Tables

A tabular overview of measures for differential methylation on the region level for the individual comparisons are provided in this section.

The tables for the individual comparisons can be found here:

cpgislands genes promoters tiling tiling1kb gencode22promoters ensembleRegBuildBPall
Bone marrow vs. non.Bone marrow (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Cord blood vs. non.Cord blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Tonsil vs. non.Tonsil (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Venous blood vs. non.Venous blood (based on TISSUE_TYPE) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Female vs. Male (based on DONOR_SEX) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
mono vs. neut (based on cmp_mono_vs_neut) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
mono vs. neut (based on cmpV_mono_vs_neut) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
mono vs. neut (based on cmpC_mono_vs_neut) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf0 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf0) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf1 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf1) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf2 vs. mono (based on cmpV_mono_vs_Mf2) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf0 vs. Mf1 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf1) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf0 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf0_vs_Mf2) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Mf1 vs. Mf2 (based on cmpV_Mf1_vs_Mf2) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
CD4 vs. CD8 (based on cmpV_Tcells) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
NK vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_NK) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Bnaive vs. Tcell (based on cmpV_Tcells_vs_Bnaive) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
NK vs. TCD4 (based on cmpV_TCD4_vs_NK) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
NK vs. TCD8 (based on cmpV_TCD8_vs_NK) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Bmem vs. Bnaive (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_Bmem) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Bnaive vs. plasma (based on cmp_Bnaive_vs_plasma) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Bmem vs. plasma (based on cmp_plasma_vs_Bmem) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv
Bnaive vs. NK (based on cmpV_Bnaive_vs_NK) csv csv csv csv csv csv csv

Enrichment Analysis

Enrichment Analysis was conducted. The wordclouds and tables below contains significant GO terms as determined by a hypergeometric test.

differential methylation measure

Figure 5

Figure 5

Wordclouds for GO enrichment terms.

differential methylation measure

GOMFID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size Term
GO:0032501 0 5.8201 16.334 32 6280 multicellular organismal process
GO:0048699 0 6.1488 2.9879 13 1205 generation of neurons
GO:0007198 0 Inf 0.0052 2 2 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting serotonin receptor signaling pathway
GO:0072272 0 Inf 0.0052 2 2 proximal/distal pattern formation involved in metanephric nephron development
GO:0007275 0 4.7454 8.6631 21 3771 multicellular organismal development
GO:0048663 0 25.3267 0.1847 4 71 neuron fate commitment
GO:0034654 0 3.7665 9.8316 22 3780 nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process
GO:0048513 0 4.2294 6.3112 17 2680 organ development
GO:0072086 0 403.6053 0.0104 2 4 specification of loop of Henle identity
GO:0021510 1e-04 19.2563 0.2393 4 92 spinal cord development
GO:0021797 1e-04 201.7763 0.0156 2 6 forebrain anterior/posterior pattern specification
GO:0065007 1e-04 6.2813 26.5297 37 10200 biological regulation
GO:0060255 1e-04 3.4068 13.1712 25 5064 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
GO:0030900 2e-04 8.3626 0.8401 6 323 forebrain development
GO:0061004 2e-04 115.2782 0.0234 2 9 pattern specification involved in kidney development
GO:0060284 3e-04 5.6225 1.7192 8 661 regulation of cell development
GO:0021521 4e-04 89.6491 0.0286 2 11 ventral spinal cord interneuron specification
GO:0050885 4e-04 22.9505 0.1483 3 57 neuromuscular process controlling balance
GO:0007409 4e-04 5.8583 1.4123 7 543 axonogenesis
GO:0007399 6e-04 4.3029 3.044 10 1365 nervous system development
GO:0016331 6e-04 11.8073 0.3823 4 147 morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium
GO:0045934 6e-04 4.14 2.9989 10 1153 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0006837 6e-04 67.2237 0.0364 2 14 serotonin transport
GO:0022010 6e-04 67.2237 0.0364 2 14 central nervous system myelination
GO:0051960 7e-04 5.4564 1.5112 7 581 regulation of nervous system development
GO:0060581 7e-04 62.0486 0.039 2 15 cell fate commitment involved in pattern specification
GO:0045892 7e-04 4.3533 2.5177 9 968 negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0032502 7e-04 3.6479 6.7455 15 3247 developmental process
GO:0021782 8e-04 18.7629 0.1795 3 69 glial cell development
GO:0007379 8e-04 57.6128 0.0416 2 16 segment specification
GO:0003002 8e-04 7.8172 0.7354 5 305 regionalization
GO:0014013 9e-04 17.9436 0.1873 3 72 regulation of gliogenesis
GO:0048709 9e-04 17.9436 0.1873 3 72 oligodendrocyte differentiation
GO:0000904 9e-04 4.6226 2.0678 8 795 cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation
GO:0021514 9e-04 53.7684 0.0442 2 17 ventral spinal cord interneuron differentiation
GO:0061333 9e-04 17.6861 0.1899 3 73 renal tubule morphogenesis
GO:0072088 9e-04 17.6861 0.1899 3 73 nephron epithelium morphogenesis
GO:1902679 0.001 4.1452 2.6348 9 1013 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process
GO:0009890 0.001 3.844 3.2096 10 1234 negative regulation of biosynthetic process
GO:0035640 0.001 50.4046 0.0468 2 18 exploration behavior
GO:0045596 0.001 5.0871 1.6152 7 621 negative regulation of cell differentiation
GO:0007610 0.001 5.0358 1.6308 7 627 behavior
GO:0034645 0.0011 2.8101 11.3167 21 4351 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0097659 0.0011 3.5935 4.6501 12 2129 nucleic acid-templated transcription
GO:0072079 0.0011 47.4365 0.0494 2 19 nephron tubule formation
GO:0061053 0.0011 16.2834 0.2055 3 79 somite development
GO:0060322 0.0011 4.9525 1.6568 7 637 head development
GO:0001708 0.0012 15.8638 0.2107 3 81 cell fate specification
GO:0031290 0.0012 44.7982 0.052 2 20 retinal ganglion cell axon guidance
GO:0007218 0.0013 15.2733 0.2185 3 84 neuropeptide signaling pathway
GO:0051241 0.0014 4.2828 2.2212 8 854 negative regulation of multicellular organismal process
GO:0050768 0.0014 9.1516 0.489 4 188 negative regulation of neurogenesis
GO:0006355 0.0014 3.465 4.7949 12 2229 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:2001141 0.0015 3.4577 4.8034 12 2226 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process
GO:0002089 0.0015 40.3132 0.0572 2 22 lens morphogenesis in camera-type eye
GO:0060993 0.0016 14.2144 0.2341 3 90 kidney morphogenesis
GO:0072080 0.0017 14.0519 0.2367 3 91 nephron tubule development
GO:0045686 0.0018 36.6435 0.0624 2 24 negative regulation of glial cell differentiation
GO:0090304 0.0018 2.6689 11.7381 21 4513 nucleic acid metabolic process
GO:0044699 0.0018 9.49 32.1893 39 12376 single-organism process
GO:0007268 0.0018 4.5518 1.7947 7 690 synaptic transmission
GO:0045944 0.0019 4.0733 2.3278 8 895 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0021513 0.0019 35.0481 0.065 2 25 spinal cord dorsal/ventral patterning
GO:0046483 0.0019 2.6357 13.5926 23 5226 heterocycle metabolic process
GO:0006725 0.002 2.6242 13.6316 23 5241 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process
GO:0050793 0.0025 3.0497 4.947 12 1902 regulation of developmental process
GO:0009888 0.0025 3.1814 4.2786 11 1645 tissue development
GO:0032812 0.0026 Inf 0.0026 1 1 positive regulation of epinephrine secretion
GO:0035332 0.0026 Inf 0.0026 1 1 positive regulation of hippo signaling
GO:0048561 0.0026 Inf 0.0026 1 1 establishment of organ orientation
GO:0097402 0.0026 Inf 0.0026 1 1 neuroblast migration
GO:2001111 0.0026 Inf 0.0026 1 1 positive regulation of lens epithelial cell proliferation
GO:0009954 0.0026 29.5541 0.0761 2 30 proximal/distal pattern formation
GO:1903508 0.0029 3.49 3.0873 9 1187 positive regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription
GO:0046883 0.003 7.364 0.6034 4 232 regulation of hormone secretion
GO:0019219 0.0031 3.1541 5.2488 12 2489 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
GO:0032228 0.0031 26.8579 0.0832 2 32 regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic
GO:0048048 0.0031 26.8579 0.0832 2 32 embryonic eye morphogenesis
GO:0032989 0.0033 3.4115 3.1524 9 1212 cellular component morphogenesis
GO:1901360 0.0035 2.4717 14.1726 23 5449 organic cyclic compound metabolic process
GO:0035295 0.0036 4.5476 1.5059 6 579 tube development
GO:0050433 0.0037 24.4115 0.091 2 35 regulation of catecholamine secretion
GO:0023061 0.0038 5.3491 1.0508 5 404 signal release
GO:0072175 0.0038 10.4588 0.3147 3 121 epithelial tube formation
GO:0090596 0.0038 6.8739 0.645 4 248 sensory organ morphogenesis
GO:0048858 0.0039 3.9328 2.06 7 792 cell projection morphogenesis
GO:0045664 0.0041 5.2544 1.069 5 411 regulation of neuron differentiation
GO:0031175 0.0041 3.8961 2.0782 7 799 neuron projection development
GO:0051254 0.0042 3.2866 3.2616 9 1254 positive regulation of RNA metabolic process
GO:0009889 0.0044 2.9962 5.474 12 2581 regulation of biosynthetic process
GO:0050794 0.0045 3.8082 9.6009 16 5083 regulation of cellular process
GO:0034641 0.0045 2.4066 14.4171 23 5543 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process
GO:0072006 0.0045 9.7896 0.3355 3 129 nephron development
GO:0031076 0.0046 21.7667 0.1014 2 39 embryonic camera-type eye development
GO:0031032 0.0049 9.4859 0.3459 3 133 actomyosin structure organization
GO:0072001 0.005 6.3692 0.6945 4 267 renal system development
GO:0014062 0.0051 403.5789 0.0051 1 2 regulation of serotonin secretion
GO:0021983 0.0051 20.6478 0.1066 2 41 pituitary gland development
GO:0003404 0.0052 393.2821 0.0052 1 2 optic vesicle morphogenesis
GO:0042706 0.0052 393.2821 0.0052 1 2 eye photoreceptor cell fate commitment
GO:0043503 0.0052 393.2821 0.0052 1 2 skeletal muscle fiber adaptation
GO:0061386 0.0052 393.2821 0.0052 1 2 closure of optic fissure
GO:2000854 0.0052 393.2821 0.0052 1 2 positive regulation of corticosterone secretion
GO:0072073 0.0055 9.1315 0.3589 3 138 kidney epithelium development
GO:0009914 0.0062 5.9758 0.7387 4 284 hormone transport
GO:0042127 0.0074 2.9841 3.5607 9 1369 regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0051937 0.0075 16.7664 0.13 2 50 catecholamine transport
GO:0010557 0.0075 2.9769 3.5685 9 1372 positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process
GO:0048522 0.0077 2.3123 10.474 18 4027 positive regulation of cellular process
GO:0009946 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 proximal/distal axis specification
GO:0014016 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 neuroblast differentiation
GO:0014063 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 negative regulation of serotonin secretion
GO:0021912 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter involved in spinal cord motor neuron fate specification
GO:0033693 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 neurofilament bundle assembly
GO:0061074 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 regulation of neural retina development
GO:0070093 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 negative regulation of glucagon secretion
GO:0070253 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 somatostatin secretion
GO:0071502 0.0078 196.6282 0.0078 1 3 cellular response to temperature stimulus
GO:0006928 0.0079 2.8035 4.2656 10 1640 movement of cell or subcellular component
GO:0050877 0.0081 3.1406 2.9625 8 1139 neurological system process
GO:0007405 0.0084 15.7771 0.1379 2 53 neuroblast proliferation
GO:1901576 0.0085 2.2393 14.144 22 5438 organic substance biosynthetic process
GO:0007187 0.0087 7.6921 0.424 3 163 G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway, coupled to cyclic nucleotide second messenger
GO:0051492 0.0087 15.4727 0.1405 2 54 regulation of stress fiber assembly
GO:0010628 0.009 2.886 3.6699 9 1411 positive regulation of gene expression
GO:0033993 0.0091 3.7071 1.8285 6 703 response to lipid
GO:0001654 0.0092 5.2995 0.8297 4 319 eye development
GO:0030278 0.0093 7.5025 0.4344 3 167 regulation of ossification
GO:0045669 0.0099 14.3637 0.1509 2 58 positive regulation of osteoblast differentiation


  1. Makambi, K. (2003) Weighted inverse chi-square method for correlated significance tests. Journal of Applied Statistics, 30(2), 225234